Workers’ Comp Covers Lost Use of Body Parts, Scarring
Pennsylvania workers’ compensation for most workplace injuries or illnesses includes medical coverage and weekly wage replacement. But a worker may [...]
Hospital Workers Risk Injury, Illness
When people consider the most dangerous places to work, hospitals probably do not come to mind. Yet the Occupational Safety [...]
Is Your Pennsylvania Job Among the Most Dangerous?
When you think of dangerous jobs, you may envision firefighting or law enforcement. While police and firefighters do face risks, [...]
Workers’ Compensation, Safety Rules Apply To Temporary Workers
A temporary worker at the DuraBond facility in Duquesne, Pennsylvania, was injured on the job recently when he was struck [...]
Pennsylvania Court Denies Ex-Steeler’s Appeal for Workers’ Comp
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently declined to hear an appeal by former Pittsburgh Steelers player Ainsley T. Battles of his [...]
Pennsylvania Sets Workers’ Compensation Maximums for 2014
As a Pennsylvania worker, you may be entitled to wage replacement benefits through workers’ compensation if you are injured or become [...]
Pennsylvania Court Awards Workers’ Compensation to Mother Stabbed by Son
A Pennsylvania court recently ruled that a woman is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for injuries she sustained when she [...]
Court Eases Compensation Rules for Mesothelioma and All Other Occupational Disease Victims
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently handed down a decision with widespread implications for workers who suffer from a workplace-related disease. The [...]